Videoage International October 2022

36 V I D E O A G E October 2022 Event Planner Fuggheddaboud the Best Airfare, Let’s Go For the Best Seat Since it’s difficult to find the best airfare these days, let’s move on to the next best thing — the best seat on the plane. This, of course, varies based upon an individual passenger’s needs. For instance, travelers who like to sleep on flights may be thrown off by aisle seats if seatmates will wake them up often to use the lavatory. In this case the best seats would be bulkhead seats or window seats. The best location for folks longing for a little peace and quiet is near the front. And, statistically, for the safety conscious, it’s best to snag a seat toward the back of the plane. Also, passengers will have a higher chance of having empty seats next to their own seats if they sit towards the back of the plane, as most passengers tend to avoid that area. People longing for a smooth ride should opt for seats atop the wings. And the best place for maximum legroom is an aisle seat. So, are middle seats to be avoided at all costs? Not if one is looking for a plug to recharge their electronic devices. MIPJUNIOR & MIPCOM October 15-16 October 17-20 Cannes, France Tel: (33 1) 4756 5000 AMERICAN FILM MARKET November 1-6 Santa Monica, CA, U.S. Tel: (310) 446-1000 MIP CANCUN November 13-16 Cancun,Mexico Tel: (33 1) 4756 5000 DISCOP KIGALI November 29-December 1 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: (323) 594-8010 ASIA TV FORUM December 7-9 Singapore, Rep. of Singapore Tel: (34 692) 553 999 NATPE GLOBAL January 17-19 Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (609) 802-2766 Recognized standard of quality in Audio Description Descriptive Video Works is committed to providing access to all forms of visual media With more than 40,000 television shows, feature films and LIVE shows completed, you can rely on us to deliver your project on budget and on time. Our technical expertise guarantees a top quality product - a commitment we’ve made to our clients for more than 17 years. Request a Quote