Videoage International January 2024

6 World VIDEOAGE January 2024 VideoAge Replicated in the WSJ The headlines were almost the same. “The New Trend: Migrating from Social Media to OTT” was the top story in the November 6, 2023 issue of VideoAge and: “Social Media Is Warping Into Old-Fashioned Mass Media” was the headline for the November 18, 2023 edition of The Wall Street Journal. Shelley Lazarus, an accomplished artist, painted a watercolor canvas depicting all the hats that her late husband, Herb Lazarus, wore at different jobs throughout his long career in the television business. She titled the painting, which shows five separate head coverings, “His Hats” (pictured). “He worked for Carsey-Werner till April 18, 2023, when he died”, she said. “The New York [hat] represents his birthplace [in 1935], and the Bath Lane is where we have our beach house.” From Herb Lazarus’s profile in VideoAge’s October 2015 Issue, we learned that the Cannes hat represented his time at Columbia (1971-1977), the Fox hat is from 1963-1971, and the CarseyWerner hat is from 1996-2023. Remembering Herb Lazarus With “His Hats” (Continued from Page 4) And many have noted that there could definitely be some improvements made with regard to having the anchors’ lips look like they are actually forming the words they are supposed to be saying because, at the moment, it seems like the viewer is watching an overdubbed foreign movie. Mosam has said he wants to “create a responsible use of the technology.” He’s also stated that there would be a transparency with viewers regarding AI and original content. The news itself would be sourced from freelance journalists, traditional news sources, and from public and government records. Mosam expects that a staff of 11 humans will be able to handle everything behind the scenes. (By Mike Reynolds) After China and India, AI TV News Comes to the U.S. @all3media_int