Videoage International January 2022

14 V I D E O A G E January 2022 We are also seeing rapid changes on a number of fronts and NAB Show will provide many learning opportunities for broadcasters to explore the evolving media ecosystem. With the future of our industry a combination of broadcasting and broadband, the deployment of 5G will certainly have an impact on how we create, deliver, and monetize our content. The COVID pandemic has also changed how people work, with more production work being done remotely. I am sure broadcasters are eager to explore the latest developments that are making out-of-theoffice work easier and more efficient. VA: What safety measures will there be at NAB Show? CLG: Our priority is ensuring a safe, healthy NAB Show for every employee, exhibitor, partner, and visitor who participates in our convention. We have consulted with global, national, and local public health officials to put together guidelines that we believe will achieve that goal, and we firmly believe our attendees can look forward to an NAB Show experience that meets their needs. We plan to require proof of full vaccination for all NAB Show participants, which already places us on the higher end for safety protocols, as well as instituting a touchless registration system while participants get their badges. Socially distanced seating will be in place in meeting rooms and floor theaters, and the Las Vegas Convention Center has also upgraded its facilities to provide greater ventilation. We are also increasing access to health care options for attendees and providing a free contact-tracing app to keep the Show community informed. NAB believes we have set a strong policy that will ensure a safe and healthy convention. We do know that much can change between now and NAB Show, so we are continuing to monitor conditions in case further action is required. Futures Park will feature several examples of how this combination can deliver amazing new experiences and opportunities. At NAB Show, broadcasters will also be able to learn from other broadcasters about making the transition, the ways they are utilizing the standard, and how audiences are responding. VA: What issues facing broadcasters do you think will be addressed at NAB Show? CLG: A major focus will be the role of the Big Tech companies both as partners and competitors to local broadcasters. We know that these tech giants can be important partners for broadcasters, especially when it comes to the technological developments that helpus innovate. However,we are concernedabout the enormous competitive advantage tech giants wield over broadcasters when it comes to the local advertising marketplace. Additionally, these tech platforms serve as gatekeepers when we post content online, determining who can see it and how we can monetize it. We need the opportunity to fairly compete with these tech platforms — whether that is through legislative and regulatory solutions or business developments found on the Show floor. (Continued From Page 12) VideoAge’s Dom Serafini with NAB’s former president, senator Gordon Smith (l.) NAB Show Preview VideoAge’s Twice-a-Week Water Cooler: The Industry’s Digital Feature Companion