Videoage International October 2019

MAIN OFFICES 216 EAST 75TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10021 TEL: (212) 288-3933 E-MAIL: WWW.VIDEOAGE.ORG WWW.VIDEOAGELATINO.COM P.O. BOX 25282 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 VIALE ABRUZZI 30 20123 MILAN, ITALY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DOM SERAFINI EDITORIAL TEAM ISME BENNIE (CANADA) ENZO CHIARULLO (ITALY) LUIS POLANCO LEAH HOCHBAUM ROSNER SUSAN HORNIK (L.A.) GLENN HOULIHAN (U.K.) CAROLINE INTERTAGLIA AKIKO KOBAYACHI (JAPAN) OMAR MÉNDEZ MARIA ZUPPELLO (BRAZIL) PUBLISHER MONICA GORGHETTO BUSINESS OFFICE LEN FINKEL LEGAL OFFICE STEVE SCHIFFMAN WEB MANAGER BRUNO MARRACINO DESIGN / LAYOUT CARMINE RASPAOLO PREPRESS CLAUDIO MATTIONI VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL (ISSN 0278-5013 USPS 601-230) IS PUBLISHED SEVEN TIMES A YEAR: JANUARY, MARCH/APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. PLUS DAILIES BY TV TRADE MEDIA, INC. © TV TRADE MEDIA INC. 2019. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT IN THE U.S., U.K., AND ALL COUNTRIES SIGNATORY TO THE BERNE CONVENTIO AND THE PAN-AMERICAN CONVENTION. SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL, 216 EAST 75TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10021, U.S.A. PURSUANT TO THE U.S. COPYRIGHTS ACT OF 1976, THE RIGHTS OF ALL CONTENT DONE ON ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL VIDEOAGE PUBLICATIONS ARE HELD BY THE PUBLISHER OF VIDEOAGE, WHICH COMMISSIONED THEM The FANGs are wreaking havoc on the social, political, and business worlds, but there aren’t yet any known legal bases that will allow us to regulate them. Page 54 Cover Stories Four lessons (and research into) how to find a streaming money flow U.S. original series trump reboots, but TV pilots are way down This time MIPCOM is all about MIP-TV, the L.A. Screenings 30. MIP Cancun Preview: The ups and downs of a successful market facing several thorny issues 32. TV Critics Association’s press tour report: This time, producers — not viewers –– took TV outlets’ center stage 34. Local U.S. TV: New challenges for America’s favorite outlet for news, sports, and weather 36. Business Report: What’s in store as SVoD proliferates, spearheads M&A 40. The Trump Report: Making history without knowing it 42. Dubbing business: Casting for dubbing 44. The media is fashionably late to face the dangers of “fast fashion” News 6. World: China, U.S., Europe 14. Book Review: How A 1975 sci-fi movie provides a lens to the future 16. L.A. Screenings Review: Changes will bring new opportunities 22. Market Round-Up: At NATPE Budapest business wasn’t perfect, but it’s still the only game in town 48. Int’l TV Distribution Hall of Fame: Movies in Greece were Theo Kouroglou’s life until he “moved” to the TV biz 52. Trade shows, dates, venues Features