Videoage International October 2017
8 World October 2017 V I D E O A G E Greek TV In 2017 Facts and Figures I n March 2017, a report issued by Athens-based content distributor J.T. Film International stated that the Greek television landscape was basically dominated by four broadcast networks, which, together, took a 54.49 percent share of the audience. The other five TV networks split 25.13 percent shares, with the remainder taken by the local TV stations (which number 10 in the Greater Athens Area) as well as Pay-TV channels. In terms of shares, on average, each broadcast TV network took the following percentages: ANT 1, 16.35; ALPHA, 14.1; SKAI, 13.26; STAR, 10.78; MEGA, 8.98; EPSILON, 7.61; ERT1, 5.14; ERT2, 2.66 and MAK TV, 0.84. As for audience compositions, with the exception of SKAI, which has a 50-50 split, the other TV networks skew mostly female and all cater to an older viewership. ( Figures provided by J.T. Film International ). Shares of TVoD and SVoD Films in Europe Analyzed. The U.S. Wins On Both Counts T he Strasbourg-based European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) published a report on how many films in various European VoD catalogs came from the E.U. The EAO analyzed 68 Transactional VoD (TVoD) films totaling 219,240 titles, and 37 catalogs for Subscription VoD (SVoD) comprising 47,553 movies. The results of the findings were that, for TVoD, E.U. films made up 23 percent and other Europeans (non E.U. countries) just two percent. The bulk of the catalogs were taken up by U.S. films with a 61 percent share and the balance (14 percent) going to international movies. For TVoD, the EAO analyzed six brands, including Apple’s iTunes. For SVoD, the E.U. represented 19 percent of the titles, with just one percent going to other European countries, while a whopping 67 percent was taken up by U.S. movies, and the remaining 13 percent by international films. For SVoD, the EAO analyzed four brands, including Netflix. (Continued on Page 10) (Continued from Page 6) Letters to the Editor “I wanted to drop you a short note of thanks for the splendid article you wrote about me. You really are a fine journalist and creative writer, and your research is second to none.” Bill Peck, London “I would like to express my hearty appreciation to you for writing a wonderful Hall of Fame article for my father. He was most pleased to read it and he is giving a copy of the magazine to many of his acquaintances.... We are now in the process of preparing a booklet of the article.” Tetsu Uemura, Tohokushinsha, Tokyo In other news, Greece’s Antenna promoted Stratis Liarellis (pictured above) to executive director and Tassos Michalakis tomanaging director. SEPTEMBER. 2017 JUNIOR PAGE _ 7.284”x 9.055” VIDEO AGE • sales @ AD_1 7 x 60 10 x 60 BOO T H R 7. K 1 7
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