Videoage International October 2017
14 October 2017 V I D E O A G E A t this MIPCOM be prepared to deal with the whole enchilada: Consolidation, Peak TV, Disruption, the European Digital Single Market (DSM) and the usual villain (Netflix). Also be prepared from now on to be strolling along the Croisette after mid-October, as the market no longer takes place in the early weeks of the month. As for consolidation, many companies are on the receiving end with the added problem of freezing expenditures until due diligence is performed, and the result is reduced overall investments at markets such as MIPCOM. About the Netflix issue, its “disruption” cannot be ignored because its spider-men will be crawling all over the Palais, at their stand and speaking at conferences. And speaking of disruption, an important conference on October 18 could be the session on the “European Digital Single Market.” Since the European Parliament approved measures removing geo-blocking and permitting the portability of online content, E.U. residents can access online services while in another E.U. country for a “limited” period of time. It is possible that this measure may jeopardize investments in European content and affect rights-holders’ ability to license movies or TV shows on a territory-by-territory basis. Going back to the new calendar dates, it is now the second year in a row that MIPCOM starts after the middle of October. Last year it began on the 17th and, this year, on the 16th. In the past, it would alternate between early October (like in 2015, start date October 5) and mid-month (like in 2014, start date October 13). Most likely this calendar change is related to the Tax Free event (TFWA), which, starting last year, is now held in Cannes in early October. In 2015 TFWA began on October 20, while in 2016 it started on October 2, and this year the six-day market has moved to October 1, having decided that the earlier dates are better for their participants. Since no major Jewish holidays are scheduled for mid-October in the upcoming years, MIPCOM dates will likely remain as such for many years to come. In any event, MIPCOM’s late dates are welcomed by buyers who can review the early ratings of new series and negotiate better license fees for those shows that didn’t perform well (but expect to pay more for the new shows that delivered good ratings). In terms of seminars and conferences, of the 100 already scheduled, a particularly interesting one could be the Canadian Showcase on Sunday, October 15, the second day of MIPJunior. Canada has also received particular attention in the pages of this VideoAge edition on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Confederation. On the evening of October 15, Mexico’s TV Azteca will co-sponsor a pre-MIPCOM Gala Dinner to celebrate its 25th anniversary with TV Azteca’s CEO Benjamin Salinas Sada, the son of the network’s founder, Ricardo B. Salinas Pliego. Also on Sunday and for the second year, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) will showcase their latest drama series during the MIPCOM Pre-Opening World Premiere Screening. This time it is Counterpart , an espionage series about a mysterious world hidden beneath the surface of our everyday existence. The screening will take place in the Palais at 6:30 pm and is open to all participants; it will be followed by a panel discussion with the cast and producer of the show and a cocktail reception in the lobby area. According to Keith Le Goy, president, Worldwide TV Distribution, SPE, “ Counterpart is going to rock MIPCOM and rock the world.” On Sunday, Italy’s Rainbow will instead be celebrating with a cocktail party for the launch of their new preschool show 44 Cats . On Monday, the market’s opening day, chef Gordon Ramsay’s keynote presentation will be followed by a luncheon sponsored by All3Media, while A+E will be sponsoring the Women in Global Entertainment Women’s Luncheon with Catherine Zeta-Jones, who will be in Cannes to promote Cocaine Godmother . In the evening FOX Networks Group will throw a party for their new series Deep State , and the traditional opening reception will take place at the Martinez Hotel. Banijay will bring buyers to the restaurant business on Tuesday with a luncheon to introduce their new series, The Restaurant . Also on October 17 there will be three different conferences on dramas in Africa, Russia and Turkey. The market will effectively close with the gala reception on Wednesday, October 18, at the Carlton Hotel for the Personality of the Year, honoring David M. Zaslav, president and CEO of Discovery Communications. A New Yorker, the 57-year-old Zaslav is a former lawyer and former NBCUniversal executive. In terms of overall participation, the market, with close to 2,000 exhibiting companies, is expected to follow last year’s successful outcome. And, as far as new content is concerned, it is estimated that over 500 new titles will be for sale, leaving little or no money in the yearly budgets for acquisitions at subsequent film-TV markets. As for the weather, a constant worry in Cannes, the month of October is usually sunnier than April during MIP-TV, even though this year AccuWeather predicts some clouds on Saturday, October 14, and again on Monday, October 16. Temperatures should range between 12 and 21 degrees Celsius (53 to 69 F). Peak TV, Consolidation, Netflix, DSM: The Drama Unfolds in Cannes MIPCOM Preview (Continued on Page 16) MIPCOM’s tops: Top star Catherine Zeta-Jones, top chef Gordon Ramsay, top executive David Zaslav, top network TV Azteca.
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