Video Age International October 2016

MAIN OFFICES 216 EAST 75TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10021 TEL: (212) 288-3933 E-MAIL: WWW.VIDEOAGE.ORG WWW.VIDEOAGELATINO.COM WWW.VIDEOAGE.IT P.O. BOX 25282 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 VIALE ABRUZZI 30 20123 MILAN, ITALY YUKARI MEDIA YMI BLDG. 3-3-4, UCHIHIRANOMACHI CHUO-KU, OSAKA JAPAN TEL: (816) 4790-2222 EDITOR DOM SERAFINI EDITORIAL TEAM SHERIF AWAD (MIDDLE EAST) ISME BENNIE (CANADA) ENZO CHIARULLO (ITALY) LUCY COHEN BLATTER ILANA ENGELBERG CARLOS GUROVICH LEAH HOCHBAUM ROSNER SUSAN HORNIK (L.A.) BOB JENKINS (U.K.) AKIKO KOBAYACHI (JAPAN) DAVID SHORT (AFRICA) MARIA ZUPPELLO (BRAZIL) PUBLISHER MONICA GORGHETTO BUSINESS OFFICE LEN FINKEL LEGAL OFFICE ROBERT ACKERMANN, STEVE SCHIFFMAN WEB MANAGER BRUNO MARRACINO DESIGN / LAYOUT CARMINE RASPAOLO ILLUSTRATIONS BOB SHOCHET VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL (ISSN 0278-5013 USPS 601-230) IS PUBLISHED SEVEN TIMES A YEAR: JANUARY, MARCH/APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. PLUS DAILIES BY TV TRADE MEDIA, INC. © TV TRADE MEDIA INC. 2016. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT IN THE U.S., U.K., AND ALL COUNTRIES SIGNATORY TO THE BERNE CONVENTIO AND THE PAN-AMERICAN CONVENTION. SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL, 216 EAST 75TH STREET, SUITE PW, NEW YORK, NY 10021, U.S.A. PURSUANT TO THE U.S. COPYRIGHTS ACT OF 1976, THE RIGHTS OF ALL CONTENT DONE ON ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL VIDEOAGE PUBLICATIONS ARE HELD BY THE PUBLISHER OF VIDEOAGE, WHICH COMMISSIONED THEM 6. World: Canada, Italy, U.S. 12. Book Review: Reynolds- Fisher sagas recalled in a new book by Debbie 18. MIPCOM preparations. London calling on the marketing teams for the A, B & C(ontingency) plans 24. Telefilm Canada. Content is the mission, sales for Canadian producers are the goal 32. Selling scripts at MIPCOM 34. Red carpets heat up. Getting airtime at award shows is a matter of style 38. Int’l TV Distribution Hall of Fame: Sandy Frank 46. Olympics TV coverage around the world 48. A German distributor’s fond memories of RAI’s Prix Italia 60. Calendar of events and travel news: The problems with airport security News 14. MIPCOM preview & analysis. Rate of growth outgrowing Cannes? Could Las Vegas offer more room? 26. Production reaches the Web. Social media is now above the line. 28. CEE content biz report: NATPE in Europe revitalized in Budapest. 50. Italian TV Animation: For Rainbow, producing children’s shows is a mature business MIPCOM is great because average people like me can mingle with great talents, and the fact that I’m able to recognize it, makes me and people like me somewhat “great.” Page 62 Features Cover Stories “American” team called in by the new CEO to make a “bigger” RAI E&O insurance: A producer’s bane not much appreciated outside the U.S. The L.A. Screenings continue at MIPCOM