Video Age International November-December 2015

I N T E R N A T I O N A L www.V i ™ THE BUSINESS JOURNAL OF FILM, BROADCASTING, BROADBAND, PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION November/December 2015 - VOL. 35 NO. 7 - $9.75 I n its 35 years of existence, the American Film Market (AFM) has gone through ups and downs, mirroring the trends of the independent international film industry and the strengths and weaknesses of competing trade shows. Over the years, the event has adapted well to changing business models and marketplace environments. Early on, the AFM depended on sales of pornographic films and later took advantage of a growing appetite for movies by the nascent private TV sector. Subsequently, along came home video, pay-TV, cable TV, VoD, multiple windows and, most recently, digital rights, remembered Irv Holender, CEO of Ziv International since 1971, who began licensing Lorimar product in 1979. Holender has been exhibiting at the AFM since the beginning — first as Ziv, then Ziv/Lorimar, GLOW, Liberty International, Fremantle Corp. and now with Multicom. HowAFMChangedOver The Years: Archives Set The Stage (Continued on Page 20) My2¢: Cable TV’s death has been declared prematurely Herb Lazarus joins the Int’l Distribution Hall of Fame MIPCOM Review: Expected success for no particular reason CCW to be NABShow New York: NAB brand to the rescue Page 26 Page 16 Page 10 Page 6 (Continued on Page 18) A ngeline Poh of Singapore’s MDA (Media Development Authority) was at MIPCOM this past October to promote both production and distribution opportunities in Singapore and show off the advantages of the Asia TV Forum (ATF) for worldwide distribution companies. Poh (pictured above) stressed the fact that it has becomean intra-Asian trading market, and distribution ATF BigonTrends, Seminars: Mart Has Better Hopes © Studio 100 Animation - Studio 100 - Toon Factory,™ Studio 100, Studio 100 Media GmbH Sapporobogen 6-8 80637 Munich – Germany T: +49 (0)89 96 08 55-0 Visit us at atf Singapore Booth No. B23 151106_S100M_ATF15_K3_VideoAge_185x160MM_Cover_RZ.indd 1 06.11.15 14:48 NATPE Miami Set To Be A Record Market (Continued on Page 14) S tudios and the distribution business are once again taking center stage at NATPE Miami 2016; and digital media is again filling the role of buyers, on par with broadcasters. With newly elected Andy Kaplan as NATPE chairman, and Armando