Video Age International November-December 2015
300+ global exhibitors 200+ sPeaKers 1 , 100+ bUYers 5 , 000+ toP media execs bUYers: $550 oct. 22-dec. 17; $675 dec. 18-Jan. 13 general attendees: $1,250 oct. 22-dec. 17; $1,450 dec. 18-event January 19-21 • 2016 miami beach • Fontainebleau & eden roc be FeARLeSS be cReAtive be ReADY Tomorrow’s conTenT begins Today. you must prepare and adapt to create the future of content. Join us at natPe miami to tackle creative challenges head-on while laying waste to the fears of missed opportunities. be tHeRe
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