Videoage International May 2019

44 Event Planner & Travel News May 2019 V I D E O A G E U.S. Air Travel Regulated By The Regulated Here’s an indication of what happens when the controlling government agency is reportedly run by the controlled. Despite two deadly crashes and numerous reports from pilots that the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft wasn’t safetofly,especiallyduringtakeoffs, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would not order the planes grounded until Canada disallowed them from coming into their air space. Canada acted after 45 other countries banned the controversial plane, includingChina, the E.U., and Australia. Now, why would the FAA, which is required by law to safeguard passengers, put them at risk? One possible answer could come from Daniel K. Elwell, acting FAA admi- nistrator, who was also once VP of the Aerospace Industry Associa- tion, Boeing’s trade association. Concluded Wall Street On Parade , a financial news site: “All of this is proving, once again, that deregulation and crony regulators are not good for business, but instead, undermine the public’s confidence that is vital tosustaining America’s competitive edge.” Cannes Film Festival May 14-25 Cannes, France Tel: (33 1) 5359 6100 Fax: (33 1) 5359 6110 L.A. Screenings May 14-23 Los Angeles, U.S. Tel: (212) 288-3933 Fax: (646) 864-0112 VideoAge bonus distribution DISCOP Abidjan May 29-31 Abidjan, Ivory Coast Tel: (323) 782-1300 Monte-Carlo TV Festival June 14-18 Monte-Carlo, Monaco Tel: (377) 9310 4060 Fax: (377) 9350 7014 NATPE Budapest June 24-27 Budapest, Hungary Tel: (213) 453-4440 Fax: (213) 453-5258 VideoAge bonus distribution Sunny Side of the Doc June 24-27 La Rochelle, France Tel: (33 5) 46 55 79 79 Venice Film Festival August 28-Sept. 7 Venice Lido, Italy Tel: (39 041) 521 8711 Fax: (39 041) 521 8854 Toronto International Film Festival September 5-15 Toronto, Canada Tel: (416) 599-8433 Fax: (416) 967-7860 Le Rendez-Vous September 8-12 Biarritz, France Tel: (33 1) 4053 2300 Fax: (33 1) 4053 2301 $URXQG WKH ZRUOG îOP DQG 79 H[HFXWLYHV UHDG WKH RQOLQH HGLWLRQ RI VideoAge 'DLO\ $W DOO PDMRU 79 WUDGH VKRZV FRQWHQW EX\HUV UHDG WKH SULQWHG YHUVLRQ RI VideoAge 'DLO\ 1R PDWWHU ZKHUH ZKHQ RU KRZ \RXU EX\HUV ZLOO VHH \RXU DG