Videoage International May 2018
6 World May 2018 V I D E O A G E and in several countries, TV advertising represented more than 50 percent of the total advertising market. The U.K. remained the biggest ad market in the E.U., representing 24 percent of all ad spending in the E.U. in 2016. With 20.1 billion euro, Germany was the second biggest advertising market in the E.U. (20 percent of total E.U. ad spending), followed by France with 13 billion euro (13 percent). Even though online has sur- passed TV advertising on a pan- European level, this is not the case in each E.U. country, and, in some markets, even newspa- per and magazine advertising experienced a moderate incre- ase in 2016 (Austria and the Czech Republic, for example, with newspaper advertising; Belgium and Hungary with ma- gazine advertising). In the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Lu- xembourg, newspapers still accounted for 53 percent of the advertising market, and radio for 18 percent. While the overall E.U. TV ad market grew by only 1.5 per- cent in 2016, several markets experienced much stronger growth. Hungary’s TV ad mar- ket, for example, experienced 82 percent growth in the TV advertising realm. Portugal, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Czech Republic recor- ded TV ad market growth abo- ve 10 percent, and the France and Netherlands markets grew at 1.1 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively. However, several markets did register drops in their TV ad markets: The U.K.’s TV ad market decreased by 12 percent, Belgium’s by 10 percent, Poland’s by three percent, and Sweden’s by two percent. Markets in Finland, Estonia, and Denmark all decreased by one percent each. And Latvia’s declined by 0.3 percent. The chart above shows the growth rates from 2011-2016 for all E.U. media by percentages. R ecently,theStrasbourg,France-basedEuropeanAudiovisualObservatoryreleasedfiguresforEuropeanadspending. According to the report, the total advertising market in the European Union (E.U.) grew by 14 percent in the 2011 to 2016 period, from 88.8 billion euro to 101.3 billion euro. The increase was due to online advertising, which grew by over 93 percent. Over the same period, cinema advertising grew by over 20 percent; TV and outdoor, nine percent each; and radio, eight percent. The biggest losses came from advertising in magazines and newspapers, which fell by 29 percent each. In mid-2014, online ad expenditures crossed with TV ad investment at 29 billion euro. Last year, the online ad market reached 36.8 billion and the TV ad market hit 31.4 billion. However, the report doesn’t indicate if most online ad platforms are actually showing profits. In the E.U., TV advertising represented 31 percent of total ad expenditure, The Ad Market In The E.U. Shows Moderate Optimism
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