Videoage International January 2020

4 JANUARY 2020 JUNIOR PAGE _ 7.284”x 9.055” VIDEO AGE www. g r b t v . c om l s a l e s @ g r b t v. c om N A T P E M I A M I 2 0 2 0 BOOT H 5 1 5 NEW SEASON NEW SEASON Genre: Crime Duration: 10 X 60’ Available as Finished Tape Genre: Crime Duration: 226 X 60’ Available as Finished Tape Genre: Documentary Duration: 3 X 30’ Available as Finished Tape Genre: Health Duration: 150 X 60’ Available as Finished Tape and Format World January 2020 V I D E O A G E T he re-election campaign of U.S. President Donald Trump is going to help bankroll Super Bowl LIV, which will air on February 2, 2020 on the FOX TV network. FOX is considered Trump’s TV mouth- piece. Reps for Rupert Murdoch’s U.S. TV network (which wasn’t part of the Disney deal) repor- ted that commercial time for the four-hour telecast (inclu- ding the 30-minute half-time show) was sold out as early as November 19, 2019. Advertisers are paying as much as $5.6 million for a 30-second spot (up from last year’s $5.3million). Among the largest sponsors are techno- logy enterprises, automotive manufacturers, and beverage companies. The Trump re- election campaign has also reportedly purchased airtime. The American football cham- pionship game between the winner of the National Foot- ball Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC) will take place in Miami, 10 days after NATPE. Superstars Jennifer Lopez and Shakira have been tapped to headline the popular halftime show. Last year’s Super Bowl te- lecast attracted 100.7 million viewers on CBS’s various TV outlets, costing advertisers 5.2¢ per viewer. SuperBowl To “Hail”Trump TVSpots T agesschau , a daily news program on Germany’s ARD TV network, faced public backlash from viewers for stepping into the waters of TikTok, a social media video app used to create and share short-form videos. In an attempt to bring in a younger demographic, executives from Tagesschau , a news service, posted on Twitter that they would test out content on the TikTok platform. Commenters immediately logged on to express their disagreement with the decision. Viewer criticismcited the app’s Chinese ownership (as its parent company is ByteDance, a Beijing-headquartered Internet company). Rumors have spread that the app filters content deemed ill-suited by China’s media policy. Since Tagesschau and ARD are supported by a compulsory broadcast fee, critics vented that they did not want mandatory viewer payments going toward a service that allegedly hinders freedom of the press. This argument has sparked increased debate over the role of media in Germany’s public sector. German Viewers Didn’t Like “TikTok Who’s There?” Famous Quotes “VideoAge ’scover story indicates at least 13 sources of financing for film-TV productions. It would be nice if there were a company able to harvest themall!” Carmine Raspaolo, Actor