Videoage International January 2020

22 January 2020 V I D E O A G E (Continued from Cover) MIP Cancun Report at the Moon Palace Resort and ended on Novem- ber 22) was the most spectacular and eventful of these markets thus far. It started with a “pre-opening drinks” spon- sored by Latin Media and VIP 2000 TV, followed by a pre-market sit-down dinner for 150 people organized by Kanal D International. It continued with an opening party by the resort’s seaside sponsored by Russia’s RT, and ended with an extravagant party next to the resort’s convention center after a fabulous Produ Awards. The ceremony brought a good number of Latin America’s TV stars to the stage to present a whopping 39 awards. This edition of the Mexican market also saw its first Formats Pitch, organized by London-based All3media International. In addition, WAWA, an association for female TV executives, held its traditional breakfast meeting, which was attended by a record 140 women. And a luncheon was offered by (MIP Cancun organizer) Reed MIDEM’s faithful Chinese contingent. All together, the market saw more than 700 participants, including a total of 202 buyers listed in the market guide, with the largest contingent coming from the U.S. (37), followed by Mexico (34), Brazil (23), Argentina (18), and Chile (17). Of the 166 selling companies listed, 40 came from the U.S., followed by France (with 16), the U.K. (with 14), Mexico (with 10), and Turkey (with nine). There were 19 conferences and two screenings, including Madd Entertainment’s A Miracle . The apparent success of this event is both astonishing and inexplicable according to parti- cipants contacted by VideoAge , considering the financial, political, and social turmoil happening right now in most Latin American countries. The most troublesome comment came from a LATAM journalist and social commentator, who said, “Argentina, for example, went from a democracy to a kleptocracy. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there is very little money left to steal.” He also said that after talking with several buyers, the consensus was that buying activities were basically mostly about pre-selections that will be finalized at NATPE Miami. Despite all this, MIP Cancun sellers seemed to take the bad news in stride. “We went through ups and downs throughout the years, and we’ll cope and survive with this down, as well,” said a Turkish content distributor. He added that for Turkish TV, Latin America is not the only troubled region. “Add the Middle East to the list,” he said. Commented a LATAM pro: “All this unrest will result in budget cuts, which will affect local productions more than acquisitions.” Another Turkish exhibitor noted that “LATAM buyers are asking for lower license fees, and we have to be creative.” Finally, a Mexican buyer said: “Before I commit to anything, I’ll wait until the market’s end, when prices are lowered.” Regardless of the turmoil afoot, Turkish com- panies are adapting and actively looking for is to create a flexible productionmodel: Licensing rights, pre-buys, and co-productions.” In addition, Cuervo predicts that, in the long term, LATAM TV networks will return to producing. At MIP Cancun, Cuervo was the sole panelist in a session titled “In Conversation With.” “The audience was mostly producers, so I spoke about what Viacom International Studios can offer in terms of co-productions and co-ventures,” he said. In terms of curiosities, the MIP Cancun exhibition space, the Moon Palace Resort, has strict rules. No outside person can be employed by the market’s participants; the hotel has to provide the help with consent from Reed MIDEM. No packages can be delivered to market participants in their rooms without approval fromReedMIDEM. In addition, security concerns at the resort’s entrance make it very difficult (if not impossible) for participants who have accommodations outside the Moon Palace Resort to get to the convention site. In other news, the Produ Awards event, organized by the LATAM TV trade publication of the same name, was opened to the competing trade press. This was a pleasant surprise, considering that Canadian trade Kidscreen organizes a trade event in Miami (after NATPE Miami) that is closed to competing press. co-productions and co-ventures. In addition, in order for their content to appeal more to LATAM clients (called “partners” these days), Turkish producers are fine-tuning their dubbed series by engaging two or more competing dubbing houses for pilot episodes and testing the final product at markets with potential buyers. Some LATAM companies are looking at co- productions with Turkish producers, as well. Explained Federico Cuervo, head of Viacom International Studios, “The new game is co- productions. We are co-producing a remake of Ay Yapim’s Persona from Turkey; developing a series with Mexico, which Viacom will distribute internationally; and co-producing Victoria Small , a series with Spain’s Mediapro. Indeed, the plan Nine international TV executives received Produ Awards. Pedro Lascurain of Mexico’s TV Azteca Lily Caputo of Canada’s TLN Buenos Aires-based Federico Cuervo of Viacom International Studios “We went through ups and downs throughout the years, and we’ ll cope and survive with this down, as well.”