Video Age International February-March 2016

FREE REgistRAtiON FOr qualiFied buyers thrOugh 22 March A spEciAl OFFER! 27 June 2016 / screenings & conference 28-30 June 2016 / Market & conference intercontinental Budapest / Hungary register tOday at FREE BuyER REgistRAtiON tHROugH MARcH 22 $150 23 March - 27 April / $250 28 April through event NAtpE Budapest Market & content summit also offers: • Fresh local CEE content and producers • Hollywood studios PLUS local content screenings • Featured content from international distributors • Intimate market enabling one-on-one engagement • Exclusive Producers’ Lounge for deal making and networking BOOk tHREE ROOM NigHts at the intercontinental Budapest (within NATPE’s room block) BY 25 March 2016 and NATPE will refund 10% of your exhibit fee AFtER the event. ExHiBitiON sAviNgs! For exhibition and sponsorship opportunities and information, please contact your NatPe sales representative or Oscar basulto at . 10% oFF ExHiBit FEEs wheN yOu bOOk 3 rOOM Nights by 25 March