Videoage International December 2020

I N T E R N A T I O N A L www.V i THE BUSINESS JOURNAL OF FILM, BROADCASTING, BROADBAND, PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION December 2020 - VOL. 40 NO. 7 - $9.75 ???? (Continued on Page 10) T o preview the upcoming NATPE Miami market — set to take place virtually January 19-29, 2021 — VideoAge contacted eight Miami-based TV executives for their observations. Even though the mart won’t be in their “backyard” this year, but online, these executives are better attuned to the peculiarities of the LATAM region and the appeal of NATPE Miami, which, since it moved from Las Vegas to Miami in 2010, focuses mostly on LATAM. Asked if he was mentally pre- pared to start the new year with another market in virtual format, TomDevlin , president, International Television Sales and Marketing, for ATFMartMoves toAIWithRoom ToCatchUp My 2¢: In C-suites analysts are replaced by fortunetellers Ben Hecht biography about life in Holly- wood and politics Netflix goes linear in France. Is it a prelude to FAST? AFM review: Virtual 41st is bigger than the live 40th Page 3 Page 8 Page 6 Page 4 F or the past 20 years, the western international TV contingent was somewhat happy to travel across the globe to Singapore in December for the annual Asia TV Forum (ATF). For some ATF participants the trip included stopovers in Japan and South Korea, among other Asian countries (and even Australia and New Zealand sometimes), while appointments with smaller Southeast Asian TV buyers were arranged on the ATF floor. Since its inception, the market walked a tightrope: Sales were not always as expected for ma- ny exhibitors, and the event’s in- sistence on hosting a big number JosephWallach: The Int’l TV Hall of Fame Honoree (Continued on Page 12) Miami-based TV Execs Preview NATPE Miami W hen Joseph “Joe” Wal- lach was working at Brazil’s Globo TV in the 1960s, he had a reputation for being unstoppable. Even now, just before speaking to VideoAge at the “mature” age of 97, he took a 1,000-kilometer road trip to Utah in the middle of a pandemic, driving with another couple from his Beverly Hills, California home. (Continued on Page 1 6) Entertainment Studios, answered with a definite, “Yes.” “Absolutely,” agreed Jorge E. Fiterre , founder and president of Condista. “Everyone needs to be able to adapt to the business reality of what is taking place across the world at this moment. We are living in unprecedented time s