Videoage International December 2018

20 Event Planner & Travel News December 2018 V I D E O A G E To Airlines, Some Passengers Are More Equal than Others It’s known that airlines have love-hate relationships with pas- sengers of any “official” class (first, business, premium, comfort, main cabin, and the undesirables — those who cannot even carry their own luggage aboard). But U.S. ai- rlines only have true love for cele- brities, who, to them are in a class all their own, the “royal” class. This is true despite the fact that many stars are known to be “pro- blematic.” Airlines, nevertheless, do their best to accommodate them to the point of changing terminals and inconveniencing the plebeians in order to allow the famous folk to be closer to their connecting gates. This prac- tice leads to friends and relatives of the “common” passengers wai- ting at the wrong terminals. ASIA TV FORUM DECEMBER 4-7 Singapore,RepublicofSingapore Tel: (65) 6780 4697 Fax: (65) 6588 3798 VideoAge bonus distribution NATPE JANUARY 22-24, 2019 Miami Beach, FL Tel: (212) 370-7470 Fax: (212) 370-7471 VideoAge bonus distribution SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL JANUARY 24-FEB. 3 Park City, Utah Tel: (310) 360-1981 Fax: (310) 360-1969 BERLINALE FEBRUARY 7-17 Berlin, Germany Tel: (49 30) 259 200 Fax: (49 30) 259 20299 DISCOP SHARM EL SHEIKH FEBRUARY 26-28 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt Tel: (323) 782-1300 SPORTELASIA MARCH 5-7 Macau, China Tel: (377) 9330 2032 Fax: (377) 9330 2033 NAB SHOW APRIL 6-11 Las Vegas, Nevada Tel: (301) 682-7962 Fax: (202) 517-1617 MIP-TV APRIL 8-11 Cannes, France Tel: (212) 284-5130 Fax: (212) 284-5148